Once you’ve made the life-changing decision to invest in a motorcycle, there are some important factors to consider. Your bike will likely be one of your most prized possessions, so you want to keep it in good shape. This includes making sure that it’s secure and protected from theft and other threats. Keep reading to learn more about motorcycle security. If you’re still shopping for the perfect bike, visit your local motorcycle dealer, Barnes Harley-Davidson®. We’ve got a great selection of motorcycles for sale near Langley, Surrey, Coquitlam, and Richmond, BC.

Where Do You Live?

You need to take your living situation into account when thinking about motorcycle security. Living in a pretty neighborhood doesn’t automatically eliminate the potential for threats. Whether you’re a homeowner or an apartment renter, there are certain things you need to watch for. Thieves often survey the area to see what safety measures are in place to protect your property. In wealthy neighborhoods, some residents make the mistake of thinking there’s no threat of crime. Thieves will be searching for this, so you want to be sure your home is secure.

If you live in an apartment community, it’s possible you’ll be at greater risk for motorcycle theft. In this type of setting, people are coming and going all the time. Thieves can easily blend in and scope out their target. Apartment parking lots and structures are often left unattended with no real security in place. Unless your complex offers premium parking security that you’re comfortable with, you’ll want to be especially diligent about where you park your bike.

Parking Your Bike

On the subject of parking, one way to improve the security of your motorcycle is to identify possible threats in your area. For instance, a bike that’s left out in plain sight in a driveway is going to be quite alluring to a thief. A locked garage is going to be the safest place to park because it won’t be visible from the street. Fenced yards are another decent option.

In an apartment setting, you’ll want to park your motorcycle in full view of any nearby security cameras. You’ll also want to park near a structure that allows you to chain your bike to it so it cannot be easily removed. If you live in a bustling downtown area, you should avoid parking on a street with high amounts of cover that a thief could use to their advantage. Whatever you choose to do, you’ll want to avoid leaving your bike out overnight.

Physical Security

Another security measure that’s worth investing in is locks and chains, which are great for deterring thieves. In fact, locks and chains with several levels of security can cause a thief to become frustrated and give up. Steer locks secure the steering column and prevent the bike from being moved. Disc locks clamp onto the disc brakes to keep the wheels from spinning. You might also want to consider investing in saddlebags with locks to protect your gear. If you go with chains, make sure that you hook them up to a non-removable part of the bike.

Electronic Security

If you really want to up your motorcycle security game, you have the option of investing in various forms of electronic security. An alarm system is a popular option, which will call attention to the theft and scare the thief off. However, if the thief is a pro, they might be able to disable an electronic security system.

Another option is to install a tracking system on your bike. Law enforcement will be able to locate your motorcycle and apprehend the thief. You should never attempt to take the matter into your own hands. Go straight to police with the information instead. No matter what type of electronic security you choose, be sure that it cannot be easily spotted.

Stop by your local motorcycle dealer, Barnes Harley-Davidson®, to browse our inventory. We’re proud to offer a wide range of motorcycles for sale near Langley, Surrey, Coquitlam, and Richmond, BC.